Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ramadhan reminders

Though Ramadhan has left few days ago, but i still wanna share my story.. my first Ramadhan in NZ..the 1st day was funny, had to sahr at aysha's pod because of this 1 boy forgot to turn off the oven and he almost burn his kitchen! we all in Kairanga had to evacuate the building and waited for the fireman to come and evaluate the situation b4 we can go back to our room :( well, at 4.40am in the morning, what do you expect? we waited for almost 30 minutes..thanked God i grabbed bread with me..we were thirsty and had to ask for keys to get into rotary and eat at aysha's. huhu..sorry u guys, have to woke u guys early..well, it's Ramadhan btw 'kejut sahur' said Noha ;) ed and i actually had prepared enuff food for that morning, but only get to eat bread which i thought of making bread pudding haha..
Now, what's with Ramadhan reminders? eyush had this great idea of having reminding people through out this Ramadhan..these were the things she remind us about:
1. DO NOT COMPLAINT- masuklah kita dlm golongan yg sentiasa bersyukur
2. MENGINGATI MATI-mengingati mati itu mjadi penasihat yg sgt setia bg org yg bfikir.
3. LAILATULQADAR- mlm yg lbh baik dr 1000 bln, sama2lah kejarnya, tingkatkan prestasi dlm beramal soleh
4.MBACA AL-QURAN- perumpamaan org mukmin yg mbaca Al-Quran bagaikan buah limau, harum baunya, lazat rasanya (H.R. Al-Kamsah)
5.JAGA DIRI- usahakanlah kemuliaannya,krn engkau dipandang manusia bkn kerana rupa ttp kesempurnaanbudi & adab (Nabi S.A.W)
6.WASATIAH-keterampilan sederhana sebhgn dr iman(Riwayat Ibn Wajah). tinggalkan tabbaruj&blebih-lebihan.
7.BERBUAT BAIK- stp perbuatan baik itu adalah sedekah(Abu Syaibah r.a dr Nabi S.A.W)
8.3 PERKARA YG MENYELAMATKAN-takut pd Allah bila sendirian, blaku adil ketika suka/ marah, bjimat ketika susah&senang; 3 PERKARA YG MBINASAKAN-m'ikut hawa nafsu, tlampaubakhil&kagum seseorg dgn dirinya sendiri (Nabi S.A.W)
9.LAILATULQADAR-when Aisyah asked Prophet Muhammad,' what if i knw on whch nite the nite of al-qadr occurs, wht should i say?' Muhammad bpuh said:'say, O Allah, indeed You are All-Pardoning. You love forgiveness, so frogive me'.
10.REZEKI-katakanlah,'sungguh Tuhanku melapangkan rezeki& mbatasinya bg yg Dia kehendaki di antara hamba2Nya'dan apa sj yg kamu infakkan, Allah akn m'gantikannya & Dialah pemberi rezeki yg t'baik (34:39)
11.KEINGINAN&HARAPAN-org yg plg letih ialah mereka yg besar keinginan & harapannya.sandarkanlah ia hny di jlnNya.
12.DOA&SYUKUR-dan Dia tlh mberi sgl apa yg kamupohonkan padaNya.dan jika kamu m'hitung nikmat Allah, nescayakamu tdk mampu m'hitungnya.sungguh manusia itu sgt zalim&sgt m'ingkari(14:34)
13.ISTIQAMAH-ramadhan adalah bln mendidik iman ,mbersihkan jiwa & memantapkannya.istiqamahlah spy mjadi insan yg tbaik spjg thn & bkn cuma di bln puasa.
14.ISTIQAMAH-maka tetaplah engkau di jln yg benar sebagaimana diperintahkan kpdmu& juga org yg b'taubat bsamamu;dan jgnlah kamu melampaui batas. sungguh, DiaMaha Melihat apa yg kmau kerjakan (11:112)
moga kamu mdapat berkat drpdNya, lovely sister!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

yesterday 030909

i laughed thinking of yesterday incident!...what a day! preparing solution for my experiment wasn't that exciting..i could feel the stupidity of calculating it...has been a while since i last making chemicals mixture..thank God there was no explotion in the lab! haha..exaggerating only :P
the funny thing was when I asked Hamish where I can keep my bacterial plates? which fridge is meant for them? and he answered, 'Do you want to DESTROY them?' I said, 'WHAT? I NVR WANNA DESTROY THEM, HAMISH! I HAVEN'T DONE THE EXTRACTION YET!'
Then Hamish was laughing sooooo hard I can see his face turn red and breathless....OMG! I told myself...Did I hear wrongly again? for like 100th times now??:P haha...He was actually saying do you wanna KEEP them in the fridge? (fast speed) What was I thinking that time? KEEP and DESTROY are 2 different words, pronounce differently..*&^%$ huhuhu malu siut!! nk cover malu tu I laughed together with him...:D tau apa mau jadi sama ini Sharina sudahhh...hohoho