Sunday, October 18, 2009

DoN't U qUIt

from a friend to friends...

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is a queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is a failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ramadhan reminders

Though Ramadhan has left few days ago, but i still wanna share my story.. my first Ramadhan in NZ..the 1st day was funny, had to sahr at aysha's pod because of this 1 boy forgot to turn off the oven and he almost burn his kitchen! we all in Kairanga had to evacuate the building and waited for the fireman to come and evaluate the situation b4 we can go back to our room :( well, at 4.40am in the morning, what do you expect? we waited for almost 30 minutes..thanked God i grabbed bread with me..we were thirsty and had to ask for keys to get into rotary and eat at aysha's. huhu..sorry u guys, have to woke u guys early..well, it's Ramadhan btw 'kejut sahur' said Noha ;) ed and i actually had prepared enuff food for that morning, but only get to eat bread which i thought of making bread pudding haha..
Now, what's with Ramadhan reminders? eyush had this great idea of having reminding people through out this Ramadhan..these were the things she remind us about:
1. DO NOT COMPLAINT- masuklah kita dlm golongan yg sentiasa bersyukur
2. MENGINGATI MATI-mengingati mati itu mjadi penasihat yg sgt setia bg org yg bfikir.
3. LAILATULQADAR- mlm yg lbh baik dr 1000 bln, sama2lah kejarnya, tingkatkan prestasi dlm beramal soleh
4.MBACA AL-QURAN- perumpamaan org mukmin yg mbaca Al-Quran bagaikan buah limau, harum baunya, lazat rasanya (H.R. Al-Kamsah)
5.JAGA DIRI- usahakanlah kemuliaannya,krn engkau dipandang manusia bkn kerana rupa ttp kesempurnaanbudi & adab (Nabi S.A.W)
6.WASATIAH-keterampilan sederhana sebhgn dr iman(Riwayat Ibn Wajah). tinggalkan tabbaruj&blebih-lebihan.
7.BERBUAT BAIK- stp perbuatan baik itu adalah sedekah(Abu Syaibah r.a dr Nabi S.A.W)
8.3 PERKARA YG MENYELAMATKAN-takut pd Allah bila sendirian, blaku adil ketika suka/ marah, bjimat ketika susah&senang; 3 PERKARA YG MBINASAKAN-m'ikut hawa nafsu, tlampaubakhil&kagum seseorg dgn dirinya sendiri (Nabi S.A.W)
9.LAILATULQADAR-when Aisyah asked Prophet Muhammad,' what if i knw on whch nite the nite of al-qadr occurs, wht should i say?' Muhammad bpuh said:'say, O Allah, indeed You are All-Pardoning. You love forgiveness, so frogive me'.
10.REZEKI-katakanlah,'sungguh Tuhanku melapangkan rezeki& mbatasinya bg yg Dia kehendaki di antara hamba2Nya'dan apa sj yg kamu infakkan, Allah akn m'gantikannya & Dialah pemberi rezeki yg t'baik (34:39)
11.KEINGINAN&HARAPAN-org yg plg letih ialah mereka yg besar keinginan & harapannya.sandarkanlah ia hny di jlnNya.
12.DOA&SYUKUR-dan Dia tlh mberi sgl apa yg kamupohonkan padaNya.dan jika kamu m'hitung nikmat Allah, nescayakamu tdk mampu m'hitungnya.sungguh manusia itu sgt zalim&sgt m'ingkari(14:34)
13.ISTIQAMAH-ramadhan adalah bln mendidik iman ,mbersihkan jiwa & memantapkannya.istiqamahlah spy mjadi insan yg tbaik spjg thn & bkn cuma di bln puasa.
14.ISTIQAMAH-maka tetaplah engkau di jln yg benar sebagaimana diperintahkan kpdmu& juga org yg b'taubat bsamamu;dan jgnlah kamu melampaui batas. sungguh, DiaMaha Melihat apa yg kmau kerjakan (11:112)
moga kamu mdapat berkat drpdNya, lovely sister!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

yesterday 030909

i laughed thinking of yesterday incident!...what a day! preparing solution for my experiment wasn't that exciting..i could feel the stupidity of calculating it...has been a while since i last making chemicals mixture..thank God there was no explotion in the lab! haha..exaggerating only :P
the funny thing was when I asked Hamish where I can keep my bacterial plates? which fridge is meant for them? and he answered, 'Do you want to DESTROY them?' I said, 'WHAT? I NVR WANNA DESTROY THEM, HAMISH! I HAVEN'T DONE THE EXTRACTION YET!'
Then Hamish was laughing sooooo hard I can see his face turn red and breathless....OMG! I told myself...Did I hear wrongly again? for like 100th times now??:P haha...He was actually saying do you wanna KEEP them in the fridge? (fast speed) What was I thinking that time? KEEP and DESTROY are 2 different words, pronounce differently..*&^%$ huhuhu malu siut!! nk cover malu tu I laughed together with him...:D tau apa mau jadi sama ini Sharina sudahhh...hohoho

Thursday, August 27, 2009


some people think they know lots about maturity and they even think they are matured enough to talk about it ;) well, for me, being mature is something that will develop on its own..learn from our own mistake is one way, learn from other people's mistake is another..the important key here is, we must be open minded....terima segala kekurangan dlm diri..ambil masa sejenak, fikir sblm berkata2, fikir sblm bertindak..terlajak perahu blh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya..
bila bercakap ttg kematangan, ia lbh merujuk pd pemikiran..the way we think make us who we are..bkn perlakuan semata2....fikir2 kan lah..dan saya sgt respect pd org yg berfikiran matang! :)
usia bkn satu kayu ukur kpd kematangan..kekdg, org muda lbh matang drpd org yg lbh harus ingat dlm apa jua teguran, harus berhikmah...yg muda harus hormat pd yg lbh tua...dan org yg ditegur harus muhasabah diri...jgn cepat melatah..sit down, take a deep breath, relax and ponder....itu kan lbh baik :P
take home msg:
1.belajar drpd kesilapan
2.have respect to others (org tua ke, kwn2 ke, sesape je lah)
3.berfikir pjg sblm bertindak

Saturday, June 13, 2009

usul 20

sebenarnya dah lama nk tulis pasal tajuk ni few days after returning from the welly..sikit background tentang penulis usul 20 ni. As-syahid imam hassan al-banna: he was borned on 14th oct 1906 in al-bahriyyah, iskandariah, egypt. he's the eldest of 5 siblings. his father, syeikh ahmad ibn abd al rahman al-banna was an ulama', imam, teacher and an author of a number of hadiths and fiqh graduated from university of al-azhar, egypt. imam hassan al-banna has memorized the quran at a very young age and has joined Darul Ulum in Cairo at the age of 16 due to his diverse knowledge and intellegence. in 1928, he together with his siblings and 5 of his friends has established an organization ikhwan muslimin and it spread massively throughout egypt and sudan which causing fear towards the current egypt gov that time. ikhwan muslimin was banned sbb dituduh merancang nk jatuhkan gov masa tu. the members were jailed, tortured and even killed.. hassan al-banna pula dibunuh konspirasi musuh2 islam.
okay, skrg br nk start.
dasar 1: islam adalah syumul dan perlu dipelajari drpd pelbagai aspek dan tk cuma mahir dalam 1 chapter je sbb mungkin blh menimbulkan salah faham dari segi pengamalan dan penyampaian.
dasar ke-2: lps tahu islam tu syumul, mcm mana kita nk blajar ttg islam? so, dasar kedua ni sebut psl al-quran dan sunnah yg dijadikan rujukan ttg islam. dua bahan ni, adalah penentu kpd betul dan salah serta jaminan tiada kesesatan selagi kita berpegang pdnya.
dasar ketiga: lanjutan drpd kefahaman terhadap al-quran dan sunnah adalah iman yg benar, ibadah yg bebas dr bid'ah. ada jugak diterangkan ttg ilham, lintasan hati, kasyaf dan mimpi yg blh digunakan sbg tambahan dlm pengukuhan selagi tk bertentangan dgn syarak i.e tk campur dgn perkara2 khurafat. hasil drpd itu, iA diberi Allah kemanisan iman kpd hati2 hamba2 yg dikehendakiNya.
dasar ke-4: clarification of no.3 actually..apa benda2 yg wajib diperangi e.g jampi, tangkal, pelindung, tilikan, tenung, pengakuan mengetahui perkara ghaib etc. kecualilah jika ianya adalah drpd ayatul quran. knp? sbb hanya Allah yg berkuasa dan tahu segala perkara ghaib/ mbersihkan akidah dan fikiran. tp, jampi guna ayat quran harus dgn 3 syarat: quran/ nama2 allah, dgn bhs arab dan mudah difahami ertinya, tk percaya jampi tu blh beri kesan. kalau psl tangkal guna quran plak, msh ada pelbagai pendapat berbeza from 1 ulama to another(khilaf). apape pun, mintalah pd Allah 25:3, 10:17.
dasar ke-5: since kita dh ckp psl core in islam ni, dasar ke-5 terangkan ttg pemimpin which is very important to lead 1 country. pemimpin kat sini refer to imam. org yg adil, amanah, bertanggung jwb, ada ilmu yg mendalam ttg syariat etc. knp penting ada imam? ada sesetengah lapangan yg tiada nas, perkara yg bnyk andaian/ilihan eg tawanan perang or perkara ttg rokok; masa nilah pendapat imam perlu dipakai. sbb tu penting imam tu tahu syariat islam dlm memimpin kerajaan. adanya satu ketua, ni jugak blh elak pertelingakahan dan perpecahan saf/ umat/ jamaah. bare in mind that, pendapat imam pun blh ditolak sekiranya bertentangan dgn nas. imam jugak blh menukar pandangannya berdasarkan zuruf(kebiasaan), masa dan keadaan.
oklah..sampai sini dulu..the rest to be continued, iA. silalah komen kat mana patut. i am still in the learning process.

Friday, June 12, 2009

winter in palmy

it has been a long time since i last updating my blog. well, it's not like nothing came across daily, it's just the laziness that struck me in these few weeks. winter in palmy is like rainy days in east coast of peninsular m'sia. but at some days, sunny days had added some essence to winter which is pretty amazing! i just love the sun though not so much of warmth i can get from her but i still thanked allah for that wonderful moment. beautiful, serene, pure....words couldn't described what i felt on that special days. unfortunately for me, i couldn't enjoyed every bit of my winter as i was and am still having my poor thing:( oh, there's 1 extraordinary day for me where the weather was so cold, it was -2oC and there was frost outside. the field in front of my flat was cover with frost and it appeared as it was lined with white carpet!! subhanallah..and car roof as well! it was a moment to remember since that is the only one time happened and no more after that...i wished just for a day of snow, but i don't really know whether i can manage the coldness later on...;)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

2 days 1 night trip(15-16/04/09)

haha..missing my city life! palmerston north is not that crreepy but for me, the town is too quiet n sleepy..the treat to wellington was exciting with great nite cos the city is still alive at 10pm..hahaha...there were lots of shops to shop, got restaurant that sell halal meat that u can go to when u r hungry n still see the wonders of allah's's hilly there so, u can view a wonderful panorama from the hill and witness the stars filling the skies at night, the lights from the city n inhale fresh air at the same time..but since it is located further south, u wouldn't want to spend so much time outside because of the coldness...i just love the hectic days there in welly..hope to go there again :D but that doesn't mean i hate PN. i still love PN, a good place to study :)
stayed in welly for 1 day. the next day we were heading to cape palliser where the seal colony colonized the place..hahaha..not so many people lived there since it is so far away from town..perhaps the residents there are mainly fishermen 'cos we saw boats near the get there it was like more than 180km journey passing by mountains and paddocks and cattle and also is full of wonders! no word could describe how i felt that time... subhanallah....we stopped at least 3-4 times to snap some pictures.. the sky was clear, it was sunny, the animals grazed happily, the birds chirping, the wind blowed softly onto our faces, no was like we were in a perfect place! when we finally reach our destination, we climbed up to the lighthouse..there, the wind could blow u away! it was so strong that u could be blown away! we were hiding behind the lighthouse n were too holding on to whatever we could grab near us to stand the wind...we were too terrified n almost cried! despite feeling scared, i think it was also hilarious moment ever in my life!! never imagine it could turn up like that after feeling relieved we were finally there!(^_^)anyway, we continue our search for the seals that is supposed to be there...we couldn't find 1 n almost give up..but thanks to zuria, she saw a seal scratching its body on the rock on our way back home! from there, we stopped and saw many more!! alhamdulillah.....we were so happy though the smell of the area was unpleasant..hehehe...
so, we got home happily because our mission was accomplished! these people i went out with are awesome! zuria, ayu n fifey..thanks u guys...i just love doing these things with the 3 of u..hope to have a great vacation in the near future with u guys!*_*

Monday, April 13, 2009

my first test

it was terrible...i finished studied..i even read them twice! but y i think i didn't do well enough?? ya allah, please help me....i need YOU!!i really is such a burden to me when the lecturers have a very high expectation from you....but i need and i have to be strong....STRONGER THAN BEFORE! FOCUS! yes u can! do it for allah sake sharina....try to be as sincere as possible...priorities comes first...manage time wisely...if u can do it b4 why not now? believe in yourself work hard study smart and let allah do the rest...

netball o netball is my 3rd time if i'm not mistaken playing netball for BERSATU GAMES which will be held in july..gosh, i hven't played it like AGES! first time was great, second i fall n injured my knee...during healing, my third game, mashaallah....i injured again..this time my finger...swollen and bruised like mad (see pic above) face is hurt hit by the ball passing by kmaz...she is totally strong!...huhu...i think i rather play badminton than netball...does this can change anything by now? nah...i don't think so...practice sharina...u can do it!!

petik apple

2 weeks ago, ksha, kmaz, bae, jue and i went to pick / pluck our precious pacific rose apple at massey farm. we rent an apple tree there and it is worth it i tell you..can't get the experience elsewhere i time around we wish to rent other trees or vege plants..the weirdest thing ever to do with lots of apple is apple pizza???huh??but it turned out delicious! awsome! mista lobba taken were uploaded at fb..i really enjoyed my time!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

massey uni, palmy

this is what i think of the univ i.e my personal view.. first time i thought palmy is similar to malaysia sbb on the way nk ke rmh kmaz from the airport, rumah2, roads and ambient dia mmg cam kat m'sia. so i think this can't be that bad...i'll be fine..hehehe...
lps dah pandai jln2 skit2 kat area ni, baru ku tahu how kiwis' lead their life...i shall start with the hall/ hostel-wise..mmg bagus sbb tkde rules yg kata u must come back b4 12am if not the gate will close..kat sini each individual whom lived in courts/halls whatever we want to address it, is given an electronic device (motorola). u just tap it on the electronic box then the gate will unlock. so kesimpulannye, u can come back whenever u wished! satu lg, hostel dia lengkap i won't surprise if the students here are all good in their cooking n baking skills..
okay, now the univ as a whole story..building dia ada yg tua n ada yg baru gak....the new ones are marvellous..cantik bangat seh! diorang pakai access card to gain tu just for the hopkirk building..yg len mesti ada card tu untuk masuk after office hour..dia bg kat staffs and postgrad security tu i think bagus lah..library dia tk besh sgt lg our vet fac,upm punye..lots of new books...psl makan plak..mknn ruji sini adalah wedges..hahaha..sbb tu je yg blh tibai kat dining hall for lunch...nk amik salad pon kene tny ada traces of meat ke tk..jgn terus order okay!hahaha..oh, satu lg yg blh mkn fish n chips dia lah...dia kata everything is halal but they also sell bab1 so, beef ka apa berani che' nk mkn...
satu lg psl massey is that kawasan dia tk besaq cam upm indah permai..besar..sini nk gi ke mana2 fac pon bisa jln dong.i likeee...bas services to town FOC for massey students..tu yg plg best sebenarnye...tap ur id card then u can hv ur seats..hurray!
org kat sini mmg pentingkan kesihatan gamaknye..tgh2 hr pon bisa berjogging ya?? time keje pon leh cabut ke gym..gym dekat ngan hall yg i stay..nk tk nk, register lah sbb dulu tk skrg nk cube prog dia mmg syiok ooo...sweating thp pas tu sendiri mau ingat lah brother..sakit bdn bkn kepalang..huhuhu..stamina depa kuat giler! continuous steps gituh for 1 hour! i pancit gak lah bbrp kali....malunyeee kat mak cik2 omputih nk buat camner kan..i'm just a typical non-sports' girl in the town..ahaks!
shopping centre diorang tutup awal sgt lah..ikut office hour jugak..weekends lagilah..4pm je closed..nk niage ke idak depa nie? inilah part plg bosan utk org yg sgt suke perabih duit for shopping....walaupon dia tutop awal, can i save my money when almost every weekend i go for shopping??huhuhu..pas beli brg je i nk nangis sedey pikir duit yg dilaburkan...wuaaaaaa!!!!
apape pon, i thank Allah for giving me the chance of furthering my studies here..tmpt ni sesuai utk jiwa yg sukakan ketenangan and kesejukan...hihihi...ok lah, post ni takat ni je..sdh mengantuks lor..mau titot..

Friday, March 20, 2009


it's more than amonth now since i stepped into NZ specifically PN/ palmy..i was welcomed with heavy rain..basah kuyup che' tak pa..hujan kan 1 rahmat...alhamdulillah ksha was free that time so she picked me up at the small airport. i was going to kmazidah's place first b4 going to my place in kairanga court. i was so touched to know that they organized small mkn2 for came along in the rain were jue, bae and amri..sian depa, basah gak..jlln bertiga under 1 umbrella..huhuhu..they were very warmed and make me feel like tau je lah, after 13-14 hours flight n no rest, it was a disaster for me..mulalah malas nk bukak mulut bersuare..bkn sombong just tak adjust time lagi..hahaha..foods were great! thanks y'all :D
1 bende lagi actually banyak bende sebenarnye, they are very kind hearted, helpful and caring..anything that i need they will try their best to u all!!
yg peliknye when they asked whether or not i feel homesick or waana cry, i said NO??tp mmg betui pon, even when my family n friends sent me to the airport, i didn't cry! fact i felt really3X bored during the flight..but, hehehehe..the best part of the journey, though dpt naik economy class, i dapat gak mkn chocolate sedap and a gift from the head steward...hihihi..baguih gak i ringan mulut hari tu...hehehe..alangkah best nye kalau dpt mkn chocolate tu lagi..
ape lg ye nk citer??hmmmm...continue later lah..when i hv the idea/ bored..hihi..