May Allah bless you always..
I continue what you did before, Abah. I never realised that I would feel happy helping the kids with their Quran recitation and memorized a number of surah. Alhamdulillah :) To me, by assisting them, I am actually helping myself at the same time.
Hope I can be like you, Abah. You had the patience in handling the kids..
While I was my way back, I passed by this one house who has a variety of roses. It caught my attention because they have this beautiful pink and yellow roses next to each other. Reminds me of the pink roses Abah planted years ago and currently taken care by my Mother. It's the symbol of their love :') And every time it blooms, Mom and I would always feel his warm love filled the air as if he's there...
And this life of the world is only an amusement and play! Verily, the home of the Hereafter, that is the life indeed (i.e. the eternal life that will never end), if they but knew (HQ 29:64)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Eid al-Adha 1431H
It has been a great day today, alhamdulillah. This year I celebrated Eid al-Adha in NZ. I am loving every moment of it :) Well, most of it because of the warm welcoming of invitation by invitation from house to house :D but the important part that should not be forgotten is building rapport with the community here..Btw, it's Wednesday today, so work has to be completed before I can enjoy myself in the evening :P The most memorable occasion on this date I could say was my last raya visit to Kak D's house. Not only on Eid but every time I visited Kak D and Abg Musli, we always had a brilliant, critically thinking topics to discuss. And there's no exception for today too. What enlightened the discussion today was the presence of Abg Mat Zamri and Kak Laila. We threw some enquiries that have been wondering in our minds to Ustaz Zamri regarding our beloved Prophet S.A.W. life and his wife Aisyah, about the Quran authenticity, the different in mazhabs etc. The way Ust Zamri answers to all the questions prepared us on how to tackle these sort of issues when asked by curious people out there. :) Thank you Allah for having set this chance for us to sit down and discuss them all.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Daya kekuatan iman bagi seorang mukmin
Apabila dia hidup di lingkungan masyarakat sekitarnya, dia bagaikan gunung yang tinggi yang tidak akan goyah dengan ombak dan gelombang yang besar. Itulah gambaran yang diberikan untuk melambangkan peribadi seorang mukmin sejati. Dengan pendirian dan iman yang teguh dan kuat, dia mampu memelihara amanat Allah walau apa jua cabaran/ dugaan yang mendatang.
Abdullah bin Abbas r.a berkata: Pada suatu hari saya berada di belakang Rasulullah S.A.W. lalu Baginda bersabda:
Wahai pemuda, aku akan mengajarkan kepadamu beberapa kalimat sebagai berikut:
Peliharalah (perintah) Allah, maka Allah akan memelihara engkau, dan peliharalah (larangan) Allah, nescaya engkau dapati Allah selalu di hadapanmu. Apabila kamu meminta, mintalah kepada Allah dan apabila kamu meminta pertolongan, mintalah pertolongan Allah.
Ketahuilah olehmu, sekiranya umat manusia sepakat hendak memberi manfaat kepadamu, nescaya tidak sampai sesuatu juapun daripadanya melainkan apa yang telah ditetapkan Allah lebih dahulu.
Demikian juga sekiranya mereka itu sepakat pula hendak membahayakan kau, tidak akan sampai bahaya itu melainkan menurut apa yang telah ditetapkan Allah terlebih dahulu. Terangkatlah kalam, dan keringlah kertas.
Abdullah bin Abbas r.a berkata: Pada suatu hari saya berada di belakang Rasulullah S.A.W. lalu Baginda bersabda:
Wahai pemuda, aku akan mengajarkan kepadamu beberapa kalimat sebagai berikut:
Peliharalah (perintah) Allah, maka Allah akan memelihara engkau, dan peliharalah (larangan) Allah, nescaya engkau dapati Allah selalu di hadapanmu. Apabila kamu meminta, mintalah kepada Allah dan apabila kamu meminta pertolongan, mintalah pertolongan Allah.
Ketahuilah olehmu, sekiranya umat manusia sepakat hendak memberi manfaat kepadamu, nescaya tidak sampai sesuatu juapun daripadanya melainkan apa yang telah ditetapkan Allah lebih dahulu.
Demikian juga sekiranya mereka itu sepakat pula hendak membahayakan kau, tidak akan sampai bahaya itu melainkan menurut apa yang telah ditetapkan Allah terlebih dahulu. Terangkatlah kalam, dan keringlah kertas.
(H.R. Tirmidzi)
Excerpt from the book by Muhammad Al-Ghazali " Akhlak seorang muslim" editor: Drs H Mod Rifa'l pg 200-201
Letter to you, mother
Although there were many people around me lately, accompanying me, listened to my ramblings, laughed and cried with me, I still left with lonesome feeling. I called you almost every other day. Strange, right? But there's this one emotion every time I hear your voice-happy and comfort. I wish you're right by my side.
I noticed there's different in your voice tone recently- distressed about me. Don't be sad, don't cry mother.. I am fine, and inshaAllah will be fine too in the future =) I have faith in Him. I feel safe every time I say His names/ zikr.. It's you that I am concerned about. Your health and your safety. Physically, I am miles apart from you to take care of you. But I'll be home soon mother, inshaAllah and I know I can rely on Him to protect you from harm. We have Allah and He is very near to us. Pray to Him, He will grant our prayers. Have patience as patience is beautiful in the eyes of Allah. It's true that distance makes hearts grow fonder :')
Thank you for loving me and being so patient in raising me, mother.
p/s: I love you.
Although there were many people around me lately, accompanying me, listened to my ramblings, laughed and cried with me, I still left with lonesome feeling. I called you almost every other day. Strange, right? But there's this one emotion every time I hear your voice-happy and comfort. I wish you're right by my side.
I noticed there's different in your voice tone recently- distressed about me. Don't be sad, don't cry mother.. I am fine, and inshaAllah will be fine too in the future =) I have faith in Him. I feel safe every time I say His names/ zikr.. It's you that I am concerned about. Your health and your safety. Physically, I am miles apart from you to take care of you. But I'll be home soon mother, inshaAllah and I know I can rely on Him to protect you from harm. We have Allah and He is very near to us. Pray to Him, He will grant our prayers. Have patience as patience is beautiful in the eyes of Allah. It's true that distance makes hearts grow fonder :')
Thank you for loving me and being so patient in raising me, mother.
p/s: I love you.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Perlakuan itu tak pernah aku undang
Tapi sentiasa mengetuk pintu ku
Kuatkanlah aku Ya Tuhanku
Aku tak mahukan ia
Dan tak mahu kecundang dalam dugaan ini
Kerana aku takut
Terlalu takut ia hinggap dan mengotori hatiku..
Tapi sentiasa mengetuk pintu ku
Kuatkanlah aku Ya Tuhanku
Aku tak mahukan ia
Dan tak mahu kecundang dalam dugaan ini
Kerana aku takut
Terlalu takut ia hinggap dan mengotori hatiku..
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
anak-anak kita
Anak ibarat kain putih tika dia dilahirkan. ibu bapa adalah di antara manusia terawal yang akan mencorakkannya. Jika dinilai dari sudut seninya, ia cukup subjektif. Tapi jika dilihat dari aspek kemanusiaan, moral, agama dan pendidikan, manusia akan memberi penilaian yg hampir serupa.
Dengan itu, persiapan awal utk mbentuk anak-anak adalah dengan pembentukan diri ibu bapa itu sendiri. Saya bukan lah insan yg pantas utk mbicarakan soal anak-anak dan institusi kekeluargaan, namun hasil pemerhatian saya yg sedikit ini cukup utk mendorong saya utk menulis ttg nya.
Acap kali kita mengatakan yg kita ini anak merdeka. Merdeka kah kita? Atau sebenarnya kita masih lagi dijajah? Kesedaran kita mengenai kefahaman agama sering ditolak ke kiri dan ke kanan bagaikan bola yg disepak tp tk nmpk di mana golnya. Tk siapa mahu memegangnya erat2. Tk mahu jadi ustazah atau ustaz katanya. Pengetahuan agama bkn sekadar tahu mengaji, solat, puasa, byr zakat, dan tunaikan haji. Ianya lebih dari itu. Bila berbicara ttg sejarah kegemilangan Islam, brp org yg mampu menceritakan nya kembali dgn penuh bangga dan yakin yg kita akan kembali ke zaman itu semula? Brp ramai yg menjadikan kisah nabi-nabi kita sbg bedtime stories anak-anak setiap mlm? Sedarkah kita bagaimana cara didikan anak2 zaman gemilangnya Islam itu blh kita aplikasikan di kala ini? MashaAllah, hebat sungguh ibu bapa ketika itu. Anak sedari kecil tlh diajar utk mendalami Al-Quran dan menghafaz nya lalu bisa mengeluarkan fatwa seawal umur 20-an dan blh menulis buku-buku ilmiah yg bnyk semasa umur mudanya. Kesemuanya berbalik kepada asas2 pengetahuan dan kefahaman kita. Islam is not only a religion but it is a way of life. Kecintaan terhadap ilmu dan galakan utk mencari ilmu secara lbh mdalam wajib dipupuk sejak kecil. Hanya dgn ilmu manusia mampu beramal dgn perbuatan. Maka terselamatlah ummah inshaAllah.
Teringat saya pd hadis Rasulullah SAW: Akan tiba satu hari bila musuh-musuh menggerumuni ummat Islam sebagaimana semut menggerumuni makanan. Sedangkan pada ketika itu ummat Islam dalam keadaaan yang ramai. Tetapi hanya ibarat buih di lautan. Kerana mereka ketika itu dihinggapi penyakit al-Wahn iaitu cintakan dunia, takutkan kematian.
Nauzubillah..moga kita mengambil pengajaran.
Dengan itu, persiapan awal utk mbentuk anak-anak adalah dengan pembentukan diri ibu bapa itu sendiri. Saya bukan lah insan yg pantas utk mbicarakan soal anak-anak dan institusi kekeluargaan, namun hasil pemerhatian saya yg sedikit ini cukup utk mendorong saya utk menulis ttg nya.
Acap kali kita mengatakan yg kita ini anak merdeka. Merdeka kah kita? Atau sebenarnya kita masih lagi dijajah? Kesedaran kita mengenai kefahaman agama sering ditolak ke kiri dan ke kanan bagaikan bola yg disepak tp tk nmpk di mana golnya. Tk siapa mahu memegangnya erat2. Tk mahu jadi ustazah atau ustaz katanya. Pengetahuan agama bkn sekadar tahu mengaji, solat, puasa, byr zakat, dan tunaikan haji. Ianya lebih dari itu. Bila berbicara ttg sejarah kegemilangan Islam, brp org yg mampu menceritakan nya kembali dgn penuh bangga dan yakin yg kita akan kembali ke zaman itu semula? Brp ramai yg menjadikan kisah nabi-nabi kita sbg bedtime stories anak-anak setiap mlm? Sedarkah kita bagaimana cara didikan anak2 zaman gemilangnya Islam itu blh kita aplikasikan di kala ini? MashaAllah, hebat sungguh ibu bapa ketika itu. Anak sedari kecil tlh diajar utk mendalami Al-Quran dan menghafaz nya lalu bisa mengeluarkan fatwa seawal umur 20-an dan blh menulis buku-buku ilmiah yg bnyk semasa umur mudanya. Kesemuanya berbalik kepada asas2 pengetahuan dan kefahaman kita. Islam is not only a religion but it is a way of life. Kecintaan terhadap ilmu dan galakan utk mencari ilmu secara lbh mdalam wajib dipupuk sejak kecil. Hanya dgn ilmu manusia mampu beramal dgn perbuatan. Maka terselamatlah ummah inshaAllah.
Teringat saya pd hadis Rasulullah SAW: Akan tiba satu hari bila musuh-musuh menggerumuni ummat Islam sebagaimana semut menggerumuni makanan. Sedangkan pada ketika itu ummat Islam dalam keadaaan yang ramai. Tetapi hanya ibarat buih di lautan. Kerana mereka ketika itu dihinggapi penyakit al-Wahn iaitu cintakan dunia, takutkan kematian.
Nauzubillah..moga kita mengambil pengajaran.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Lesson
Alhamdulillah..Thank you Allah for arranging this and that for me. Today was the day where things are cleared for me :) I am grateful to You, that my friend and I met in Your course then were separated; but our hearts are near to each other because of You, inshaAllah. I learn a lot from her, how to lead my life accordingly (following sunnatullah) in order to be a better muslim. I realized I have made huge mistakes before so I raised my hands and pray, seeking forgiveness from You. Help me, guide me, protect me, Ya Rabb.
I need You..
I need You..
Monday, August 23, 2010
Seeking Maghfirah from Al-Ghafur
Allahuma innaka 'afuwwun karimun tuhibbul 'afwa fa ‘afu anni
(O Allah! You are the Most Forgiving and Most Gracious! You love to forgive, so forgive my errors and sins)
Everyday I look at the mirror and see the same face. She sometimes looks happy sometimes she worries; sometimes she smiling sometimes she cries and sometimes she looks fierce sometimes she appears emotionless. She's just another ordinary living creature taking a small space in earth to live. Although actually she is so much so wanted to be someone who can give great impact to the humankind and not only an ordinary people! ;) So, she tries her best to portray good attitude etc at all times, which she realizes that it is quite difficult. To be good is not an easy task, it's a path full of challenges and tests and she needs to sacrifice a lot in doing so.
This same person at times whine and most of the times she did not notice it. I was and am really appreciate and grateful to find a friend who has the courage to tell me when I whine. She reminded me that whining is a sign of ungratefulness to the Lord, to what He has provided me with. I felt as if I was hit by something hard at my head because I know what she said is true. Astaghfirullahal'azim.. I was engulfed by shame and sin, till I didn't realize crystal drops flow on my cheeks at that moment :'(
O Allah, forgive me when I whine...
"Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves." (Al-Baqarah:222)
Ahmed Bukhatir-Forgive me when I whine
(O Allah! You are the Most Forgiving and Most Gracious! You love to forgive, so forgive my errors and sins)
Everyday I look at the mirror and see the same face. She sometimes looks happy sometimes she worries; sometimes she smiling sometimes she cries and sometimes she looks fierce sometimes she appears emotionless. She's just another ordinary living creature taking a small space in earth to live. Although actually she is so much so wanted to be someone who can give great impact to the humankind and not only an ordinary people! ;) So, she tries her best to portray good attitude etc at all times, which she realizes that it is quite difficult. To be good is not an easy task, it's a path full of challenges and tests and she needs to sacrifice a lot in doing so.
This same person at times whine and most of the times she did not notice it. I was and am really appreciate and grateful to find a friend who has the courage to tell me when I whine. She reminded me that whining is a sign of ungratefulness to the Lord, to what He has provided me with. I felt as if I was hit by something hard at my head because I know what she said is true. Astaghfirullahal'azim.. I was engulfed by shame and sin, till I didn't realize crystal drops flow on my cheeks at that moment :'(
O Allah, forgive me when I whine...
"Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves." (Al-Baqarah:222)
Ahmed Bukhatir-Forgive me when I whine
Friday, August 6, 2010
Logiknya Solat dalam Sudut Pandangan Sains
Logiknya Solat dalam Sudut Pandangan Sains
I came across this blog which contains a useful explanation about pray. Something that I wonder years ago. And all praises due to Allah I managed to get a reasonable depiction from this man writing. What lacking in his statement was a reference to his quote.
Anyway, the point that he's trying to deliver is to promote congregation in praying. Not only you'll gain the exchanging body charges benefit, but the most important thing is that the blessing of Allah, friendships, and the pahala to collect :)
"Solat berjemaah adalah melebihi solat sendirian sebanyak 27 darjat" - Hadis riwayat Bukhari & Muslim.
Photo from
'The most burdensome prayers for the hypocrites are salaat al-isha' and al-fajr; but if they only knew what they contain, they would come even if they had to crawl'.
(Imam Ahmad, Al-Musnad 2/424; Sahih Al-Jaami', 133)
I came across this blog which contains a useful explanation about pray. Something that I wonder years ago. And all praises due to Allah I managed to get a reasonable depiction from this man writing. What lacking in his statement was a reference to his quote.
Anyway, the point that he's trying to deliver is to promote congregation in praying. Not only you'll gain the exchanging body charges benefit, but the most important thing is that the blessing of Allah, friendships, and the pahala to collect :)
"Solat berjemaah adalah melebihi solat sendirian sebanyak 27 darjat" - Hadis riwayat Bukhari & Muslim.
Photo from
'The most burdensome prayers for the hypocrites are salaat al-isha' and al-fajr; but if they only knew what they contain, they would come even if they had to crawl'.
(Imam Ahmad, Al-Musnad 2/424; Sahih Al-Jaami', 133)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Apa yang kamu mahu?
Nota ringkas, peringatan untuk penulis. Jika dpt memberi iktibar pada orang lain, alhamdulillah..
1. Sering saja kita dengar orang bertanyakan pendapat, mendengarnya dan menilai dahulu sblm berkata apa2. Itu adabnya. Persoalannya, kenapa kita utarakan soalan pada orang lain? Kerana kita mahukan buah fikiran mereka supaya dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik, inshaAllah.
Tapi apa yang berlaku pada kebanyakan masyarakat sekarang secara umumnya mereka bertanya sekadar melepaskan batuk di tangga dalam erti kata lain, saja nak tanya. kenapa saya kata begini? sebab akhirnya mereka hanya nakkan orang bersetuju saja dengan keputusan yang dah memang ada dlm benak mereka. sesuatu yang sukar utk difahami, bukan? kalau begitulah kemahuannya, saya tak nampak di mana pentingnya untuk si polan itu bertanya. noktah.
2. Berbuatlah apa yg kamu perkatakan. (rujuk as-saff:2-3)
Saya suka memerhati masyarakat di sekeliling saya. Diharap dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman dan pengajaran dlm hidup ini, inshaAllah. Bila dikongsi bersama mereka yang disayangi lagilah bagus. Semoga bermanfaat buat semua, begitulah doa saya. Kadang2 tanpa kita sedar, kita telah menasihati org lain supaya berbuat baik, tapi kita sendiri tak mengamalkannya. Saya akui ianya sesusatu yang agak menyedihkan. mungkin diri sendiri tak perasan akan kekurangan kita itu. Untuk org lain menegur pula, agak sukar apatah lagi bila diri sendiri sebenarnya bukanlah orang yang mudah menerima pendapat org lain. Moga Allah lembutkan hati ini. Natijahnya, saya cumalah insan biasa, yg tidak lari daripada membuat kesilapan.
Tegurlah saya dengan teguran yang membina dan bukannya yang membinasakan. Caranya, dengan datang pada saya secara baik dan tunjukkan jalan kepada saya untuk memperbetulkan kesilapan saya. Bukannya menegur dengan nada yg agak keras hingga bisa hinggap ke telinga org lain sampai memalukannya dan tidak memberi apa2 jalan untuk dia perbaiki kesilapannya. Lebih menyedihkan lagi jika dia dibiarkan begitu saja selepas ditegur. Bukanlah manja yang saya rintihkan, sebaliknya saya rasa itulah cara yang terbaik dalam mendidik seseorang secara efektif kerana terkesan di hati mereka.
Allahu alam..
"Ya Tuhan kami, berikanlah rahmat kepada kami dari sisiMu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam urusan kami." ameen.
Doa ashabul kahfi (rujuk al-kahf: 10)
1. Sering saja kita dengar orang bertanyakan pendapat, mendengarnya dan menilai dahulu sblm berkata apa2. Itu adabnya. Persoalannya, kenapa kita utarakan soalan pada orang lain? Kerana kita mahukan buah fikiran mereka supaya dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik, inshaAllah.
Tapi apa yang berlaku pada kebanyakan masyarakat sekarang secara umumnya mereka bertanya sekadar melepaskan batuk di tangga dalam erti kata lain, saja nak tanya. kenapa saya kata begini? sebab akhirnya mereka hanya nakkan orang bersetuju saja dengan keputusan yang dah memang ada dlm benak mereka. sesuatu yang sukar utk difahami, bukan? kalau begitulah kemahuannya, saya tak nampak di mana pentingnya untuk si polan itu bertanya. noktah.
2. Berbuatlah apa yg kamu perkatakan. (rujuk as-saff:2-3)
Saya suka memerhati masyarakat di sekeliling saya. Diharap dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman dan pengajaran dlm hidup ini, inshaAllah. Bila dikongsi bersama mereka yang disayangi lagilah bagus. Semoga bermanfaat buat semua, begitulah doa saya. Kadang2 tanpa kita sedar, kita telah menasihati org lain supaya berbuat baik, tapi kita sendiri tak mengamalkannya. Saya akui ianya sesusatu yang agak menyedihkan. mungkin diri sendiri tak perasan akan kekurangan kita itu. Untuk org lain menegur pula, agak sukar apatah lagi bila diri sendiri sebenarnya bukanlah orang yang mudah menerima pendapat org lain. Moga Allah lembutkan hati ini. Natijahnya, saya cumalah insan biasa, yg tidak lari daripada membuat kesilapan.
Tegurlah saya dengan teguran yang membina dan bukannya yang membinasakan. Caranya, dengan datang pada saya secara baik dan tunjukkan jalan kepada saya untuk memperbetulkan kesilapan saya. Bukannya menegur dengan nada yg agak keras hingga bisa hinggap ke telinga org lain sampai memalukannya dan tidak memberi apa2 jalan untuk dia perbaiki kesilapannya. Lebih menyedihkan lagi jika dia dibiarkan begitu saja selepas ditegur. Bukanlah manja yang saya rintihkan, sebaliknya saya rasa itulah cara yang terbaik dalam mendidik seseorang secara efektif kerana terkesan di hati mereka.
Allahu alam..
"Ya Tuhan kami, berikanlah rahmat kepada kami dari sisiMu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam urusan kami." ameen.
Doa ashabul kahfi (rujuk al-kahf: 10)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
*Khas buat mereka yg dirindui selalu: family, relatives, teachers and friends..jauh di mata tetapi sentiasa dekat di hati dan dlm doa ku..
Sekian lama ia berputik
Kini kian mekar
Harumnya seperti kenanga
Cantiknya umpama mawar
Indahnya bak gugusan melur di kepala.
Wajah kalian cuma mampu ku bayangkan
Tak dapat ku temukan sekarang..
Duhai hati yang menggamit RINDU
Sekian lama ia berputik
Kini kian mekar
Harumnya seperti kenanga
Cantiknya umpama mawar
Indahnya bak gugusan melur di kepala.
Wajah kalian cuma mampu ku bayangkan
Tak dapat ku temukan sekarang..
Duhai hati yang menggamit RINDU
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I don't understand, why do people like to smoke? What on earth do they get from burning their money? Don't they know the consequences of it? Even if they knew about it that smoking may cause lung cancer, chronic bronchitis or emphysema etc., they still smoke :( Pathetic! And I don't understand either, despite all the advertisements saying smoking is bad for health, we still have and allow cigarettes selling everywhere? Are we encouraging the environment or trying to overcome this problem, here? Confused @.@
And for smokers out there.. Don't you love your family, relatives and friends? While you puffing the smokes proudly in front of us-the passive smokers, you are actually killing us silently. Don't you realize that? Is that how you show your love to us? Or you just hate us so much, you wanna kill us this way? *Now, am too emotional* Enough of you putting yourself in danger, please don't do the same to us.. If you want to smoke, do it elsewhere, far away from us so that the particles won't settle in our lungs. And please smoke at an open area where there's no non-smokers hang around because in a small, poor ventilated room, you still exposing us to the risk if we entered the room after you finished your business there. It's even better if you can quit smoking and lead a healthy lifestyle :D In the end, you'll realize how much money you can save per month after you stop smoking..Isn't that great?! We all know it's difficult, but try and put an endless effort to stop, insyaAllah, you'll manage to quit :)
Note: The cigarettes contain lots of noxious materials such as tar, nicotine, nitrosamines, benzopyrene, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, toxic irritants etc.. and once you burnt it, you'll activating them all. Through inhalation and absorption of the gasses plus the unseen detrimental materials, that's when you'll get the trouble. That is how it kills....
Read more:
And for smokers out there.. Don't you love your family, relatives and friends? While you puffing the smokes proudly in front of us-the passive smokers, you are actually killing us silently. Don't you realize that? Is that how you show your love to us? Or you just hate us so much, you wanna kill us this way? *Now, am too emotional* Enough of you putting yourself in danger, please don't do the same to us.. If you want to smoke, do it elsewhere, far away from us so that the particles won't settle in our lungs. And please smoke at an open area where there's no non-smokers hang around because in a small, poor ventilated room, you still exposing us to the risk if we entered the room after you finished your business there. It's even better if you can quit smoking and lead a healthy lifestyle :D In the end, you'll realize how much money you can save per month after you stop smoking..Isn't that great?! We all know it's difficult, but try and put an endless effort to stop, insyaAllah, you'll manage to quit :)
Note: The cigarettes contain lots of noxious materials such as tar, nicotine, nitrosamines, benzopyrene, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, toxic irritants etc.. and once you burnt it, you'll activating them all. Through inhalation and absorption of the gasses plus the unseen detrimental materials, that's when you'll get the trouble. That is how it kills....
Read more:
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I think this entry is the most difficult one. To talk about love.
Someone came to me and asked me: Sis, what's love like? How do you know it's love?
I was stunned and smiled; my mind was working so hard to find the answer as I don't want to disappoint her. I couldn't watch that face.
Sorry for taking so much time to answer your question..
To be honest, I'm not the best person to describe anything regarding love. I never have any experience to share with you, darling. I understand, the kind of love you referring to. Take it this way. I supposed it's not the same but still is applicable :D When u missed ur prayer, you feel bad and disappointed with yourself and seems like whole day wasn't on your side because you wanted to be the best for Him; when you read or listened to the seerah, you'll touch by the sacrifices of the Messenger and wish you could be there with him, be part of him; you miss your family when you are far away from them, you care and cried when you hear them suffer... Why do you feel these way? It's all because of love and affection..
I hope this could somehow help you to define the feeling you had. Maybe its not perfect, but I supposed, it's close enough.
this is one of my favorite song sang by my favorite singer :)
Someone came to me and asked me: Sis, what's love like? How do you know it's love?
I was stunned and smiled; my mind was working so hard to find the answer as I don't want to disappoint her. I couldn't watch that face.
Sorry for taking so much time to answer your question..
To be honest, I'm not the best person to describe anything regarding love. I never have any experience to share with you, darling. I understand, the kind of love you referring to. Take it this way. I supposed it's not the same but still is applicable :D When u missed ur prayer, you feel bad and disappointed with yourself and seems like whole day wasn't on your side because you wanted to be the best for Him; when you read or listened to the seerah, you'll touch by the sacrifices of the Messenger and wish you could be there with him, be part of him; you miss your family when you are far away from them, you care and cried when you hear them suffer... Why do you feel these way? It's all because of love and affection..
I hope this could somehow help you to define the feeling you had. Maybe its not perfect, but I supposed, it's close enough.
this is one of my favorite song sang by my favorite singer :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
choices in life
Should I be silent,
Since silence is a bliss..
or should I express what I felt inside?
And omit not the truth that lies
In pursuing the path of happiness
Like the chirping birds flying in the skies
Freedom to talk
Freedom to write
Freedom to do anything
While many become ignorant
Are they really the freedom we are seeking for?
Or merely a rebellious heart that shaken for long?
Choose while you still can
Aware of the storm that hitting your heart
Does it bring you to the soothing light?
Or is just a whisper, to darkest side?
What should we do now?
What choice do we have?
Do our decisions will affect the world?
Should we stick to the trend played by others?
Becoming decent followers knowing not what was the game?
Think wise,
The neurons are there,
Synapse and stimulating each other,
and a soul that touches others
Why wasted the gift from Him?
So reflect, weigh and decide
Make a choice you won't regret
And pray for the best
Let Allah do the rest..
Since silence is a bliss..
or should I express what I felt inside?
And omit not the truth that lies
In pursuing the path of happiness
Like the chirping birds flying in the skies
Freedom to talk
Freedom to write
Freedom to do anything
While many become ignorant
Are they really the freedom we are seeking for?
Or merely a rebellious heart that shaken for long?
Choose while you still can
Aware of the storm that hitting your heart
Does it bring you to the soothing light?
Or is just a whisper, to darkest side?
What should we do now?
What choice do we have?
Do our decisions will affect the world?
Should we stick to the trend played by others?
Becoming decent followers knowing not what was the game?
Think wise,
The neurons are there,
Synapse and stimulating each other,
and a soul that touches others
Why wasted the gift from Him?
So reflect, weigh and decide
Make a choice you won't regret
And pray for the best
Let Allah do the rest..
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
Mother's Day is the best day for mothers out there. No matter where you are.. Of course, to appreciate them is not only on this date but suppose to be everyday. However, 9th May 2010 marked another special day for mothers around the globe.
Talking to my mom over the phone has been a routine for me weekly..This time, she has more good stories related to mother's day, her heartfelt, her enquiries and her gratitude to Allah SWT as she is still able to see her children grow and lead their own life. I'm touched by the way mom said this.
I remembered she told me years ago when I was 14. She has her own dream, she pictured herself working as an English teacher, busy marking exam papers, having students in front of her and make her own money, buy her own desired stuffs... Allah knows best for her.. Grandpa was always working outstation while Granny always sick. Granny suffered from pneumonia and with lack of medicinal treatment plus her reluctant to see the doctor, worsened her condition and past away at the age of 55. So, mom has to take over Granny's duty and took care of all the household, from cleaning the house, preparing meals, washing the dishes and clothes etc. Mom decided to quit her school and finished her secondary school till form 3 to look after her 5 siblings because it's too much for her. How devastated she could be during that time to forget her own ambition for others' happiness. I couldn't dare to imagine. Mom, your sacrifices is very noble to me :) As the first child, she gave a lot to her family. Telling me your life stories once in a while made me realized, you are actually peeping your dreams with me. To flip through the memories you had and shared them with me has made me feel so special. For I know, that you don't actually tell people even to your siblings what you felt because you are strong inside. You hold things to yourself and find your own way to heal your soul. I can't imagine if I'm in your shoe.
Reflecting back of what I had was totally different from what mom had gone through. I am blessed and will always be for having you as my mom. Everything you did was the best for me. You never want to see me going through the hardships like you had and tries to protect me till the present day. I love you mom! Happy mother's day and Happy birthday :)
Talking to my mom over the phone has been a routine for me weekly..This time, she has more good stories related to mother's day, her heartfelt, her enquiries and her gratitude to Allah SWT as she is still able to see her children grow and lead their own life. I'm touched by the way mom said this.
I remembered she told me years ago when I was 14. She has her own dream, she pictured herself working as an English teacher, busy marking exam papers, having students in front of her and make her own money, buy her own desired stuffs... Allah knows best for her.. Grandpa was always working outstation while Granny always sick. Granny suffered from pneumonia and with lack of medicinal treatment plus her reluctant to see the doctor, worsened her condition and past away at the age of 55. So, mom has to take over Granny's duty and took care of all the household, from cleaning the house, preparing meals, washing the dishes and clothes etc. Mom decided to quit her school and finished her secondary school till form 3 to look after her 5 siblings because it's too much for her. How devastated she could be during that time to forget her own ambition for others' happiness. I couldn't dare to imagine. Mom, your sacrifices is very noble to me :) As the first child, she gave a lot to her family. Telling me your life stories once in a while made me realized, you are actually peeping your dreams with me. To flip through the memories you had and shared them with me has made me feel so special. For I know, that you don't actually tell people even to your siblings what you felt because you are strong inside. You hold things to yourself and find your own way to heal your soul. I can't imagine if I'm in your shoe.
Reflecting back of what I had was totally different from what mom had gone through. I am blessed and will always be for having you as my mom. Everything you did was the best for me. You never want to see me going through the hardships like you had and tries to protect me till the present day. I love you mom! Happy mother's day and Happy birthday :)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Human Being
I have a chance
But I have to let it go
For I too shy to make it a go?
I have my thoughts
As strong as they may seem
People will judge me
As an insane
No matter what you may think
I have to say no
For I have my reason
That I can't ignore!
Please understand me
As I too feel the pain
Sometimes I can't hide it
I am just a human being..
But I have to let it go
For I too shy to make it a go?
I have my thoughts
As strong as they may seem
People will judge me
As an insane
No matter what you may think
I have to say no
For I have my reason
That I can't ignore!
Please understand me
As I too feel the pain
Sometimes I can't hide it
I am just a human being..
Friday, May 7, 2010
Airport and goodbye
Sending off people at the airport has never been my favorite. 5th May marked a date when Ben left us for good. But he was so sure he'll come back to Massey next year! Auf wiedersehen! You better be right about this Ben! hahaaa, sounded like a warning :P It's because we miss you here :( I couldn't hold my tears seeing him waving and say goodbye. I saw his eyes filled with tears too. It's hard to say goodbye, I know.. I'm touched by the way he respected me as a muslim woman. He still remember how muslim women n men who are not their mahram should behave i.e no closed body contact like no hugging, shake-hands etc. :)
I'm grateful for the chance that Allah has given us to be friends.I like the way you think and expressing your thoughts.. Hardly for me to hear you judging anyone. You are the most optimist man I have ever known which of course good since you were spreading positive vibration in the office ;)
To know you, is the price I couldn't pay. Priceless!
I'm grateful for the chance that Allah has given us to be friends.I like the way you think and expressing your thoughts.. Hardly for me to hear you judging anyone. You are the most optimist man I have ever known which of course good since you were spreading positive vibration in the office ;)
To know you, is the price I couldn't pay. Priceless!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Cinta di Rumah Hasan Al-Banna
Buku Cinta di Rumah Hasan Al-Banna oleh M. Lili Nur Aulia
Buku ini berkisarkan tentang kehidupan Hasan Al-Banna, seorang hamba Allah yg molek dijadikan ikutan kerana keperibadiannya yg lembut, bersederhana tetapi tegas dlm memartabatkan kesucian Islam di mata dunia. Maka tdk hairanlah sekiranya pendekatan beliau bisa menambat hati masyarakat pada abad ini. Dalam masa sesingkat 15thn, beliau telah berjaya melebarkan sayap dakwah ke 20 buah negara, masyaAllah. Seperti yg diakui oleh anaknya, Ahmad Saiful Islam bahawa ayahnya adalah pemimpin yg tlh disiapkan oleh Allah :) Namun disebalik kesibukannya, As-syahid masih punya kesempatan utk bersama keluarga dan menjadi contoh tauladan pd seisinya. Itulah yg cuba disampaikan oleh penulis buku tersebut.
Anak2 muda sgt mudah menerima ilmu khususnya melalui pengamatan mereka terhadap perkara sekeliling mereka. Jadi, pembelajaran boleh dikatakan bermula drpd rumah yakni ibu bapa.
Ayah kepada Imam Hasan Al-Banna merupakan tunjang atau tulang belakang di sebalik ketokohannya. Sedari kecil, beliau dididik dan diterap dgn nilai2 disiplin dan keagamaan yg utuh. Ayahnya kerap mengelola majlis2 diskusi di rumah sekaligus melibatkan kedua2 anak lelakinya (Hasan al-Banna & adiknya) dlm majlis seumpama itu. Hujah2 dan perbincangan oleh para ulama yg bertandang didengar dgn teliti dan difikir secara kritis. Bak pepatah Melayu, mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasi. Semangat Hasan yg tinggi dlm berdakwah terbukti sehinggakan beliau terkenal dgn kalimat ' Aku ingin menyampaikan dakwah ini sampai kpd janin di perut ibunya'.
Hasil perkahwinan Hasan Al-Banna dgn isteri pilihan ibunya, mereka dikurniakan 6 org anak yg masing2 berjaya dlm bidang mereka. Hasan Al-Banna tdk pernah meninggikan suara ketika mendidik anak2 nya. Mereka diajar dgn penuh hikmah dan kelembutan dan ia amat memberi kesan yg mendalam kpd mereka. Makan bersama adalah saat yg paling bermakna buat mereka sekeluarga. Berkat drpd kasih sayang, perhatian yg tdk berbelah bahagi serta sifat ambil berat terhadap mereka walau sesibuk mana pun beliau, menyebabkan anak2 beliau menghormati dan amat menghargainya. Segala keperluan anak2 nya termasuklah wang belanja, doctor's prescriptions, ubat, nasihat sehingga kpd membawakan bekal anak2 ke sekolah, semuanya disediakan dgn rapi. Kepercayaan terhadap anak2nya yg diterapkan menyumbang kpd sifat bertanggung jawab dan berdikari mereka.
To know more, do read this book and make it as 1 of a MUST to HAVE book in your collection. It is a great book, and can be a guide to those who wanted to get married, or who wanted to improve in their marriage life. Semoga Allah merahmatinya dan semua umat Islam di muka bumi ini.
Sesungguhnya nilai hidup ini ada pada keimanan.
Wallahualam .
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
when is my turn?
Lately I kept having the same dream; almost every night. It was so beautiful, I don't even want to wake up. A dream that I hope would last..
Lately I kept having the same dream; almost every night. It was so beautiful, I don't even want to wake up. A dream that I hope would last..
I met abah, he was wearing all-white attire looking so handsome, fair and young. He sat in this well-lighted place, so peaceful. He smiled at me when he saw me approaching him :) I hugged him wouldn't want to let him go. After he convinced me, I laid my head on his shoulder while he stroke my head with his gentle touch. Just like the way he used to do when I was a kid. Words couldn't describe the happiness I felt. Even it was merely a dream, I still thanked You, Allah. That was the only chance I had to be with him.
My prayer to you abah: Allahumaghfirlahum warhamhum wa'afihim wa'fu'anhum..
*Every soul has its given date. When is mine? I do not know. But the major question is: Am I ready for it?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Why do I smile?
I smile because I am happy
I smile because I saw something beautiful
I smile because I know you
I smile because I remembered sweet memories
I smile because I felt grateful I can live for another day
I smile because He ease my day
I smile because I know He is still there for me
I too smile to hide my anger and silliness
I also smile to chase away my sadness
And I do smile to strangers to untie the awkwardness
But most of the time,
I simply smile because,
I want to see you smiling back at me :)
Smile, and the world will smile back at you!
I smile because I am happy
I smile because I saw something beautiful
I smile because I know you
I smile because I remembered sweet memories
I smile because I felt grateful I can live for another day
I smile because He ease my day
I smile because I know He is still there for me
I too smile to hide my anger and silliness
I also smile to chase away my sadness
And I do smile to strangers to untie the awkwardness
But most of the time,
I simply smile because,
I want to see you smiling back at me :)
Smile, and the world will smile back at you!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
New thing to venture
Date: 10 April 2010
Day: Saturday
Time: ~11am- finish
Venue: Waitarere Forest, Levin
Husna promoting the Great forest 10km fun walk/run event in Levin to me early last week. At first I doubt I can do it but at the same time I am thrill to try something new! This event was my first ever! 10km is quite a challenge for me as I was not a trained walker/ runner. I am just an ordinary, casual walker..
There were about more than 300 people entered this 10km fun walk category. My aimed was not to win but merely to make it to the finish line, because I know I won't be able to do so as I am not fit. However, I did my very best in making sure I achieved my objective :) And yes, I made it, hooray!!! Everyone got their own finisher commemorate medal..People from all walks of life, all age range and different parts of NZ have gathered and joined this particular event. To my surprise, even senior citizens showed their potential in entering the marathon (run and walk) which is about 20km ++! I saw their faces were all red, they were bathed with sweat, they breath so hard and yet still running as hard as they can! MasyaAllah, where on earth they get their stamina from?! Hence I asked one lady, although she wasn't so old but she's 40+. She told me that she did this annually since young but for 10km, this was her second time. Her story reminds me of Ita, an Irish-born old lady whom currently stayed in Feilding. She's almost 70! I met Ita during my tramping trip to 3 bushes in a day last month. She was a very wonderful lady, telling me all she knew about trees, birds, mushrooms etc. She loves the bushes so much as she was raised in this kind of environment. She used to hard works, long distance walking and hiking, therefore it wasn't a problem for her to climb the hilly journey during the trip. Now, I felt like sending her a postcard..I miss the talking. I wish I could go to her house one day as she promised me to show her collection of nature's book.
Back to the Great forest event..Along the way in the forest, I came across a number of colourful mushrooms, trees, and birds. The birds sang a melodious song making my walk that day a lovely one! SubhanAllah..I felt so peaceful in the middle of the forest! Trees on both sides met each other, providing shades in the aisle leaving us with an ease of walking during noon..Thank you Allah for making it an easy day for me.
Venue: Foxton beach
Time: 2.00pm till 3.30pm
This was our (husna, lakshmi, shoukai and I) next stop. Had our sandwiches, cake and chips here..We 'buried' shoukai at the beach..Well, she volunteered to be buried :P Husna and I performed our prayer at he new platform (went there last year, there's no platform yet). While we prepared ourselves, many eyes were focusing on us. Maybe they have never seen Muslims pray in other places apart from the mosque. At that moment, we prayed at least we touched their hearts by showing them, it is not difficult to be a muslim. No matter where we are, we should be proud to be one! Hope the seed of iman in everyone of us grow and live well by nurturing it with prayer and dua (just like fertilizing and watering the plant to ensure it live)..
Day: Saturday
Time: ~11am- finish
Venue: Waitarere Forest, Levin
Husna promoting the Great forest 10km fun walk/run event in Levin to me early last week. At first I doubt I can do it but at the same time I am thrill to try something new! This event was my first ever! 10km is quite a challenge for me as I was not a trained walker/ runner. I am just an ordinary, casual walker..
There were about more than 300 people entered this 10km fun walk category. My aimed was not to win but merely to make it to the finish line, because I know I won't be able to do so as I am not fit. However, I did my very best in making sure I achieved my objective :) And yes, I made it, hooray!!! Everyone got their own finisher commemorate medal..People from all walks of life, all age range and different parts of NZ have gathered and joined this particular event. To my surprise, even senior citizens showed their potential in entering the marathon (run and walk) which is about 20km ++! I saw their faces were all red, they were bathed with sweat, they breath so hard and yet still running as hard as they can! MasyaAllah, where on earth they get their stamina from?! Hence I asked one lady, although she wasn't so old but she's 40+. She told me that she did this annually since young but for 10km, this was her second time. Her story reminds me of Ita, an Irish-born old lady whom currently stayed in Feilding. She's almost 70! I met Ita during my tramping trip to 3 bushes in a day last month. She was a very wonderful lady, telling me all she knew about trees, birds, mushrooms etc. She loves the bushes so much as she was raised in this kind of environment. She used to hard works, long distance walking and hiking, therefore it wasn't a problem for her to climb the hilly journey during the trip. Now, I felt like sending her a postcard..I miss the talking. I wish I could go to her house one day as she promised me to show her collection of nature's book.
Back to the Great forest event..Along the way in the forest, I came across a number of colourful mushrooms, trees, and birds. The birds sang a melodious song making my walk that day a lovely one! SubhanAllah..I felt so peaceful in the middle of the forest! Trees on both sides met each other, providing shades in the aisle leaving us with an ease of walking during noon..Thank you Allah for making it an easy day for me.
Venue: Foxton beach
Time: 2.00pm till 3.30pm
This was our (husna, lakshmi, shoukai and I) next stop. Had our sandwiches, cake and chips here..We 'buried' shoukai at the beach..Well, she volunteered to be buried :P Husna and I performed our prayer at he new platform (went there last year, there's no platform yet). While we prepared ourselves, many eyes were focusing on us. Maybe they have never seen Muslims pray in other places apart from the mosque. At that moment, we prayed at least we touched their hearts by showing them, it is not difficult to be a muslim. No matter where we are, we should be proud to be one! Hope the seed of iman in everyone of us grow and live well by nurturing it with prayer and dua (just like fertilizing and watering the plant to ensure it live)..
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Melihat dedaun gugur satu persatu,
dingin yang menggigit diriku
membawa aku menyingkap kisah lalu
ada tawa ada tangis
setiap satunya bermakna
buat insan sedaif aku
Pernah aku tersasar jauh
menyelusuri liku-liku gelap
sehalus cahaya tak ku temui
kerana Ar-Rahman,
belasNya, kasihNya padaku
ku dengar sayup suara memanggil namaku
menarik ku semula
balik ke pangkal jalan
jalan menuju keredhaan Ilalhi
terima kasih, Ya Rabb
atas kesempatan itu.
Aku tahu dan sedar,
bahwa imanku ibarat air laut
ada pasang dan surutnya..
Kau pastikan aku tak pernah jauh dariMu
Kau dekatkan aku dengan mereka yang sentiasa mencintaiMu
membuatkan aku tertunduk malu
muhasabah semula diri ini.
Sewajarnya aku bersyukur
atas apa jua dugaan yang hinggap pada diriku,
tanda ingatanMu khusus untuk diriku
kerna Kau berfirman,
"Apakah manusia mengira bahwa mereka akan dibiarkan hanya dengan mengatakan, 'kami telah beriman' dan mereka tidak diuji?" Al-Ankabut 29: 2
dingin yang menggigit diriku
membawa aku menyingkap kisah lalu
ada tawa ada tangis
setiap satunya bermakna
buat insan sedaif aku
Pernah aku tersasar jauh
menyelusuri liku-liku gelap
sehalus cahaya tak ku temui
kerana Ar-Rahman,
belasNya, kasihNya padaku
ku dengar sayup suara memanggil namaku
menarik ku semula
balik ke pangkal jalan
jalan menuju keredhaan Ilalhi
terima kasih, Ya Rabb
atas kesempatan itu.
Aku tahu dan sedar,
bahwa imanku ibarat air laut
ada pasang dan surutnya..
Kau pastikan aku tak pernah jauh dariMu
Kau dekatkan aku dengan mereka yang sentiasa mencintaiMu
membuatkan aku tertunduk malu
muhasabah semula diri ini.
Sewajarnya aku bersyukur
atas apa jua dugaan yang hinggap pada diriku,
tanda ingatanMu khusus untuk diriku
kerna Kau berfirman,
"Apakah manusia mengira bahwa mereka akan dibiarkan hanya dengan mengatakan, 'kami telah beriman' dan mereka tidak diuji?" Al-Ankabut 29: 2
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Event: Festival of Culture
Organizer: Palmerston North City Council
Venue: The Square
Time: 9.00am -5.00 pm
This is the time of the year, where people from all parts of the world in Palmy gathered and displayed their culture. Variety of food sold; people wearing their best and colourful traditional clothes; dancers danced to the musics etc. Many stalls were up promoting their own countries' uniqueness :) Well, for MUMSA, this year happened to be its first time performing in FoC. Cool!!Well, if we have more people and sponsors, we can work together with the Malaysian Manawatu Group/ Club and set up good team work in promoting our beloved country. Maybe we could have 2 booth, 1 selling food and besides it having multimedia stuffs showing our beautiful country, where Malaysia is in the world's map (I bet not many know where Malaysia is exactly!), display the clothes, play our songs, the dances, the games..many other things can be included..easy said than done..but hey, if we never do it, we never know how it will turn up! it's all about teamwork, it's all about sincerity, it's all about love and passion..we are the little ambassador here. Show them what we got! Overall, for me, this year's was much better than last year.
Event: Farmer's day
Location: Dairy farm in Woodville
Time: 9.00-11.30 am
A sudden decision to go to Woodville after Dennis called me that morning postponing my trip to Mana Island due to bad weather. Went there with KShikin and daughters and KFatan :) It's been awhile since I last visit to any farm. Felt good after visiting this place. Refreshed my knowledge on dairy cattle nutrition (I forgotten most of this part, I tk minat, huhu), the biology part, the milk science topic (well I got to answer most of his Q, which is satisfying!!) I was very impressed to see the technology they implement in their farm. From irrigation system, to calculating the dry matter of the grass, the 7 minutes moving milking parlor, the device they have in the collecting tank; siap ada GPS nk cari shortcut to get to a farm. The driver is well taught on how to use a device used to check for the milk whether it can be mixed to another bigger tank in factory or not. They check for the protein, water, fat, somatic cell count. SCC mesti lower or within normal range kalau tinggi maksudnye ada jangkitan lah pd mana2 cow di farm tu. The farmer showed us his silage, ah, saya rindu sungguh bau silage yg manis :D the cows there, were all big and healthy! Friesien Holstein breed.
Event: Festival of Culture
Organizer: Palmerston North City Council
Venue: The Square
Time: 9.00am -5.00 pm
This is the time of the year, where people from all parts of the world in Palmy gathered and displayed their culture. Variety of food sold; people wearing their best and colourful traditional clothes; dancers danced to the musics etc. Many stalls were up promoting their own countries' uniqueness :) Well, for MUMSA, this year happened to be its first time performing in FoC. Cool!!Well, if we have more people and sponsors, we can work together with the Malaysian Manawatu Group/ Club and set up good team work in promoting our beloved country. Maybe we could have 2 booth, 1 selling food and besides it having multimedia stuffs showing our beautiful country, where Malaysia is in the world's map (I bet not many know where Malaysia is exactly!), display the clothes, play our songs, the dances, the games..many other things can be included..easy said than done..but hey, if we never do it, we never know how it will turn up! it's all about teamwork, it's all about sincerity, it's all about love and passion..we are the little ambassador here. Show them what we got! Overall, for me, this year's was much better than last year.
Event: Farmer's day
Location: Dairy farm in Woodville
Time: 9.00-11.30 am
A sudden decision to go to Woodville after Dennis called me that morning postponing my trip to Mana Island due to bad weather. Went there with KShikin and daughters and KFatan :) It's been awhile since I last visit to any farm. Felt good after visiting this place. Refreshed my knowledge on dairy cattle nutrition (I forgotten most of this part, I tk minat, huhu), the biology part, the milk science topic (well I got to answer most of his Q, which is satisfying!!) I was very impressed to see the technology they implement in their farm. From irrigation system, to calculating the dry matter of the grass, the 7 minutes moving milking parlor, the device they have in the collecting tank; siap ada GPS nk cari shortcut to get to a farm. The driver is well taught on how to use a device used to check for the milk whether it can be mixed to another bigger tank in factory or not. They check for the protein, water, fat, somatic cell count. SCC mesti lower or within normal range kalau tinggi maksudnye ada jangkitan lah pd mana2 cow di farm tu. The farmer showed us his silage, ah, saya rindu sungguh bau silage yg manis :D the cows there, were all big and healthy! Friesien Holstein breed.
Monday, March 15, 2010
La Tahzan Sharina
It was frustrating to see the result for Public Health paper...
I was so worried that I couldn't get to proceed with my Master degree study..So I met Natalia Benquet this morning to talk over about this matter and get some clarification. I told everything that she wanted to know, how I felt about this, what my expectations regarding this paper.. I never knew that I would cry in front of her, someone whom I can consider as a stranger..I can't hold this tears anymore, it was such a burden for me :'( Every now and then I would cry even while typing this..I need hugs, comforting words which motivate me to move on.I'm not as strong as some people thought I was...I knew the fact that I passed the paper,but I'm expecting more than I got because I believe I deserved more especially when I didn't know where went wrong as I and other students never receive our marks on time. The thing they always said to me was you explained well but just need to improve the stats part; and that was when they returned the last assignment to me; and I still get low marks?!..Now tell me, what can I do to correct my mistakes? How can I learn from the mistakes or flaws in doing academic writing when I do not know where my mistakes were in the first place??? However, it was all too late, TOO LATE!! The thing left for me is to work harder and harder for my thesis..
I was so worried that I couldn't get to proceed with my Master degree study..So I met Natalia Benquet this morning to talk over about this matter and get some clarification. I told everything that she wanted to know, how I felt about this, what my expectations regarding this paper.. I never knew that I would cry in front of her, someone whom I can consider as a stranger..I can't hold this tears anymore, it was such a burden for me :'( Every now and then I would cry even while typing this..I need hugs, comforting words which motivate me to move on.I'm not as strong as some people thought I was...I knew the fact that I passed the paper,but I'm expecting more than I got because I believe I deserved more especially when I didn't know where went wrong as I and other students never receive our marks on time. The thing they always said to me was you explained well but just need to improve the stats part; and that was when they returned the last assignment to me; and I still get low marks?!..Now tell me, what can I do to correct my mistakes? How can I learn from the mistakes or flaws in doing academic writing when I do not know where my mistakes were in the first place??? However, it was all too late, TOO LATE!! The thing left for me is to work harder and harder for my thesis..
Saturday, March 13, 2010
river valley white water rafting; mokai grandcanyon
depart as early as 615am heading to Taihape which took us almost 2 hours by car. There were 9 of us: Husna, Beatrice, Nurul, Lucky, Fatima, Amri, Bro Taufik, Aysha and I. An odd number ;) Witnessed Allah's creation, subhanAllah, so panoramic! It was a chilly and foggy day but alhamdulillah we reached there on time :).. Once settled ourselves in the lounge, we listened to the instruction given by Gordy; basically on what and how to wear the gear they provided- thermal, wetsuit (~ scuba diving suit), shoes and helmet. after changing, boarded the bus (neville-the bus driver was so friendly, warm, and nice) got us to the site; Rangitikei river. Before we got ourselves wet, we were divided into groups and we were taught on how to hold the row, right way to sit etc.. and my group (according to Gordy) actually was the weakest group since no one has ever done it before n have no idea of what rafting really was n all girls?! For other groups, each has at least 1 guy on the boat and some of them had done this before ocassionally.. Thank God, Gordy; our guide treated us well, he's so patient and taught us till we got the flow..Had so much fun! with the forwards, backwards, drop, hold, left, right, harder movements, we managed to finished the rafting without a flip or flown out from the boat or knocked our head to the started with a great 1-2 then 3-4 and lastly grade 5!. Backward fall at the dog's paw area if i'm not mistaken, was awesome! breath taking scenery with crystal clear water, the smooth cutting sand stone and lime stone of wall of canyon, small hiding caves and wonderful falls were all the prizes we earned from the activity! I couldn't believe myself when Gordy told us to hop out from the boat and that's it! we were done! I was so blurred and wanted for some more adventure!!like a littlt kid asking for more stories.. haha..btw, the price for grade 5 white water rafting is 165 dollar + 75 dollar for photos.
didn't do anything at mokai. i wish i could but i can't. not because I'm scared but I have other restrictions..huhuhu..watched my friend doing the bungy jumping and flying fox..they had so much fun screaming and laughing while doing it..maybe they just couldn't believe themselves, they eventually made it! the swing was scary seemed like they cut the string while you were hanging beyond the platform and suddenly fall from a high place vertically then horizontally and swinging back and forth along the shallow river.
in a nutshell, the rafting was worth it although many would say it is rather expensive compared to other places. but for me, the rapids were great and varied and it was much longer distance than any other place.
depart as early as 615am heading to Taihape which took us almost 2 hours by car. There were 9 of us: Husna, Beatrice, Nurul, Lucky, Fatima, Amri, Bro Taufik, Aysha and I. An odd number ;) Witnessed Allah's creation, subhanAllah, so panoramic! It was a chilly and foggy day but alhamdulillah we reached there on time :).. Once settled ourselves in the lounge, we listened to the instruction given by Gordy; basically on what and how to wear the gear they provided- thermal, wetsuit (~ scuba diving suit), shoes and helmet. after changing, boarded the bus (neville-the bus driver was so friendly, warm, and nice) got us to the site; Rangitikei river. Before we got ourselves wet, we were divided into groups and we were taught on how to hold the row, right way to sit etc.. and my group (according to Gordy) actually was the weakest group since no one has ever done it before n have no idea of what rafting really was n all girls?! For other groups, each has at least 1 guy on the boat and some of them had done this before ocassionally.. Thank God, Gordy; our guide treated us well, he's so patient and taught us till we got the flow..Had so much fun! with the forwards, backwards, drop, hold, left, right, harder movements, we managed to finished the rafting without a flip or flown out from the boat or knocked our head to the started with a great 1-2 then 3-4 and lastly grade 5!. Backward fall at the dog's paw area if i'm not mistaken, was awesome! breath taking scenery with crystal clear water, the smooth cutting sand stone and lime stone of wall of canyon, small hiding caves and wonderful falls were all the prizes we earned from the activity! I couldn't believe myself when Gordy told us to hop out from the boat and that's it! we were done! I was so blurred and wanted for some more adventure!!like a littlt kid asking for more stories.. haha..btw, the price for grade 5 white water rafting is 165 dollar + 75 dollar for photos.
didn't do anything at mokai. i wish i could but i can't. not because I'm scared but I have other restrictions..huhuhu..watched my friend doing the bungy jumping and flying fox..they had so much fun screaming and laughing while doing it..maybe they just couldn't believe themselves, they eventually made it! the swing was scary seemed like they cut the string while you were hanging beyond the platform and suddenly fall from a high place vertically then horizontally and swinging back and forth along the shallow river.
in a nutshell, the rafting was worth it although many would say it is rather expensive compared to other places. but for me, the rapids were great and varied and it was much longer distance than any other place.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Life goes on
12/03/2010- Farhana Md Azizan pulang ke tanah air dgn air mata..bercampur baur antara pilu meninggalkan teman2 rapat nya dan gembira menanti saat bertemu dgn keluarga tersayang di Malaysia..apa pun, tahniah diucapkan! segulung ijazah dah pun sampai di rmh, your parents must be very proud of you! kalau rindu kami, belek2 lah gambar2 yg kta tangkap.gambar poyos plg bnyk kut...haha..I, personally shall miss you dearly..the girls' talk b4 bed, we would remind each other about things we've forgotten, having ice cream in the middle of night, singing out loud in my room, movies, gossiping, and the list goes on and on.... Buat Cik Noha- adik; anak bongsu; paling manja (well, itu gelaran yg dicipta Noha sendiri) La Tahzan..Kak Sha kan ada ;) hana melangkah ke satu tangga ke hadapan dan kta yg tinggal kat palmy indah permai ni mesti move on juga! tetiba rasa tk sabar nk graduate :) jia you!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A walk to remember "P
slept over at husna's house. we had dinner and watch a movie together..the movie was awesome! well, it's because i love vampire stories, but i don't really enjoy watching twilight :P because it's more like a love story rather than the myth ruthless blood sucker movie..sorry for the twilight sagas' lovers out there! hahaa..
woke up very early..we (husna, afsana and I) had a decent breakfast together then off to do groceries on a lovely morning! There was pegaga sold that day..never seen pegaga in NZ before..hehe..bought a bag plastic of it and gave half to Doris (Nigerian friend of mine)whom I met at the market...I was promoting the Malay salad/herb to her and on Monday she told me that she loved it soo much as it produced a unique flavour while chewing it- like mint..however her children didn't enjoy it as much as she be honest, I don't even like it when I was a child either..But now, I like it a lot! Right after that, we proceed with a 4-hour non stop shopping..from 1 shop to another..hahaa...what a record! Played basketball in the evening with zainab, fatima, the little sister of them (hajar), sarah, auntie norzam and her daughter :) the court was filled with laughter and togetherness which I miss so much...Dinner was great; we had a variety of dishes..bangladesh cuisines (brinjal smashed and prawn with brinjal-afsana's cooking), rice and stir fry fatt choy..
woke up early again but on this date we went out for tramping!! my first ever tramping in NZ :) although I was not fit enough for this trip, I still wanna try it..Alhamdulillah the track in Ruahine Forest park wasn't that difficult, the weather was perfect, people were nice and friendly, knowledgeable guides and the most important thing was that I didn't get asthma attack during the walk! the trail was hilly most of the time ;) indeed it was a tiring day of the week but I enjoyed every moment of it, experienced the mesmerizing nature of to observe the smallest bird- rifleman; robin, fantail, grey warbler..knew few trees like the bush lawyer, silver fern, the big old yet beautiful beach tree..owh, 1 trick shared by Paul the guide-to get the robin's attention, you just rubbed the tree and it will come nearer to!!
that evening, we were very tired and just ordered pizza for dinner and watched a movie (the lake house).owh, that handsome keanu reeves and the pretty sandra bullock") a wonderful romantic movie; although it some sort of ridiculous-didn't-make-sense kind of story.however, I still love it because of the actor!hahahaa..
Take home msg:
1. Put away the differences and shyness. try to make friends, get to know other people, learn their culture, show them how wonderful malaysians are.(promoting our own country actually- since we are representing our country here ;))
2. Challenge yourself to do something different then only you'll realize your potential..if you keep feeling scared to make a change, you won't learn anything in life and might be left behind..
3. Be prepared and read a lot on things related to the current activities so that we can discuss about it in a more interesting way..
slept over at husna's house. we had dinner and watch a movie together..the movie was awesome! well, it's because i love vampire stories, but i don't really enjoy watching twilight :P because it's more like a love story rather than the myth ruthless blood sucker movie..sorry for the twilight sagas' lovers out there! hahaa..
woke up very early..we (husna, afsana and I) had a decent breakfast together then off to do groceries on a lovely morning! There was pegaga sold that day..never seen pegaga in NZ before..hehe..bought a bag plastic of it and gave half to Doris (Nigerian friend of mine)whom I met at the market...I was promoting the Malay salad/herb to her and on Monday she told me that she loved it soo much as it produced a unique flavour while chewing it- like mint..however her children didn't enjoy it as much as she be honest, I don't even like it when I was a child either..But now, I like it a lot! Right after that, we proceed with a 4-hour non stop shopping..from 1 shop to another..hahaa...what a record! Played basketball in the evening with zainab, fatima, the little sister of them (hajar), sarah, auntie norzam and her daughter :) the court was filled with laughter and togetherness which I miss so much...Dinner was great; we had a variety of dishes..bangladesh cuisines (brinjal smashed and prawn with brinjal-afsana's cooking), rice and stir fry fatt choy..
woke up early again but on this date we went out for tramping!! my first ever tramping in NZ :) although I was not fit enough for this trip, I still wanna try it..Alhamdulillah the track in Ruahine Forest park wasn't that difficult, the weather was perfect, people were nice and friendly, knowledgeable guides and the most important thing was that I didn't get asthma attack during the walk! the trail was hilly most of the time ;) indeed it was a tiring day of the week but I enjoyed every moment of it, experienced the mesmerizing nature of to observe the smallest bird- rifleman; robin, fantail, grey warbler..knew few trees like the bush lawyer, silver fern, the big old yet beautiful beach tree..owh, 1 trick shared by Paul the guide-to get the robin's attention, you just rubbed the tree and it will come nearer to!!
that evening, we were very tired and just ordered pizza for dinner and watched a movie (the lake house).owh, that handsome keanu reeves and the pretty sandra bullock") a wonderful romantic movie; although it some sort of ridiculous-didn't-make-sense kind of story.however, I still love it because of the actor!hahahaa..
Take home msg:
1. Put away the differences and shyness. try to make friends, get to know other people, learn their culture, show them how wonderful malaysians are.(promoting our own country actually- since we are representing our country here ;))
2. Challenge yourself to do something different then only you'll realize your potential..if you keep feeling scared to make a change, you won't learn anything in life and might be left behind..
3. Be prepared and read a lot on things related to the current activities so that we can discuss about it in a more interesting way..
Monday, February 1, 2010
I miss you, I love you
Today, I received a bad news about Kak Long's health condition which moved me emotionally..I want to be there by her side, in Malaysia..I want to be Alang's and Mak Lang's support system..I wanted it so badly right now...But I realised, I can't fight what is beyond my control...I have my responsibility here and all I can do is pray..I pray for your quick recovery, Kak Long. May Allah give you the strength to move on and fight it..You are the most independent cousin I ever knew, you are strong, smart and kind..InshaAllah, Allah will be there to help you. He is our Refuge and our Hope..
Saturday, January 16, 2010
today, yesterday and restaurant review :P
Today shall be my first time staying alone in kak laila's house..Nuha has moved to a new place which is only a few steps away..hehehee..I can run there whenever I wanted to ;) Helped her at her studio-home and I even prepared lunch-Nasi Lemak yg tk lemak, Sambal tumis ikan bilis yg tk pedas, telur rebus n ayam goreng berempah..I shall miss the girls' talking over dinner and a company watching tv :(
Yesterday I had breakfast with Nuha n her friend, Dr. Jijan (Azizan) at The Coffee Club. I tried Vienna's actually long black coffee topped with's so bitter; although I have added 3 sachet of sugar, the bitterness is still there! Overall, I love the ambience there, love the smell of coffee in the shop..The arrangement n space in between seats were just nice makes the place cosy. I think I love doing this kind of activity during the weekend! I'll try to spend some times n taste different kind of coffee at different shops around Palmy..
Yesterday too, we went to Wellington!! hahaa...just because Jijan wanted to have lunch at Kayu Manis ;) The place is beautiful and comfortable with great treatment from the waitress :D Not so many people dine here..I was told by Nuha n Jijan that the price were different. At noon, the price is much cheaper compared to late afternoon..We assumed that they wanted to attract many people to come and lunch there, hence the price is reduced.. Anyway, we shared our meal there. The char kuey teow was tasty, nasi lemak was..erm, I could say fair??hehe..doesn't suit my taste bud, sorry :( btw, their satay n its peanut sauce were good but can't challenge Satay Kajang and Satay Endut :D I had soto ayam-the soup was great, the taste of the spices were balance..Unfortunately, the shreaded chicken meat was terrible!! It's fortunate that I didn't suffer from stomach upset.
That's all for the review :P I'll update whenever I go to a new place for dining, insyaAllah :)
Yesterday I had breakfast with Nuha n her friend, Dr. Jijan (Azizan) at The Coffee Club. I tried Vienna's actually long black coffee topped with's so bitter; although I have added 3 sachet of sugar, the bitterness is still there! Overall, I love the ambience there, love the smell of coffee in the shop..The arrangement n space in between seats were just nice makes the place cosy. I think I love doing this kind of activity during the weekend! I'll try to spend some times n taste different kind of coffee at different shops around Palmy..
Yesterday too, we went to Wellington!! hahaa...just because Jijan wanted to have lunch at Kayu Manis ;) The place is beautiful and comfortable with great treatment from the waitress :D Not so many people dine here..I was told by Nuha n Jijan that the price were different. At noon, the price is much cheaper compared to late afternoon..We assumed that they wanted to attract many people to come and lunch there, hence the price is reduced.. Anyway, we shared our meal there. The char kuey teow was tasty, nasi lemak was..erm, I could say fair??hehe..doesn't suit my taste bud, sorry :( btw, their satay n its peanut sauce were good but can't challenge Satay Kajang and Satay Endut :D I had soto ayam-the soup was great, the taste of the spices were balance..Unfortunately, the shreaded chicken meat was terrible!! It's fortunate that I didn't suffer from stomach upset.
That's all for the review :P I'll update whenever I go to a new place for dining, insyaAllah :)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Date: 19th Dec 2009
Venue: Bangi, Selangor
Activity: Sports
Wuhoooo!! I had another interesting agenda the next day after returning from Langkawi ;) Mom wasn't really agreed with me when I told her that I have to go to my new friend's house and play netball together. She was worried because I hadn't had rest yet after 3 weeks of continuous traveling :D But I enjoyed being busy; I felt satisfied, useful and active! I had to coax her and let me join the ISMA Perak team for KASBI- Karnival Sukan Belia Islam Nasional 2009. Owh, by the way, surely you want to know how I got in touch with ISMA Perak, right? Well, I received a call from Kak Nora saying that a friend of mine currently doing medicine in NZ gave her my contact number; and she's from Kedah..But kak Nora wasn't really sure that girl's name..I was like, huh?? hahaha..sounds funny to me!! So, till now, I don't know who she is..Anyway, I am glad that I'm part of the ladies..Actually, to be honest, at first, I felt uncomfortable around them and I didn't think I can fit in the group:( I know they were so kind to me, however, there is no common interest to start a conversation! How tragic was that?! Fortunately, Shikin (my new friend) was a graduate from UPM and currently doing her second degree in medicine was there..At least I have someone to talk to..on common thing...But the atmosphere was kind of changed the next morning..Everyone was so friendly and seemed like we all have known each other for years!! Maybe someone prayed for it??hehee..From there, I realised that even through games we can build wonderful ukhwah; and I hope this will last forever :) Okay, back to the sport: Perak team arrived just on time b4 the game started. We missed the grand opening though, which was held at Astaka Sukan UKM due to unavoidable circumstances I could say ;) The ladies were playing netball at German-Malaysia Institute, Bangi while the gentlemen were playing soccer at UKM's football field. Although we didn't win, but most important thing is that I make new friends and broadened my network :) I had so much fun especially playing in the rain..hehee..We all got wet but fortunate enough that there was no thunder! The game ended quite late. Overall, I enjoyed every moment of it!! Good memories to cherish..
Venue: Bangi, Selangor
Activity: Sports
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
malaysia my homeland
Nov.14 was the date I have been longing for. MALAYSIA my LOVE, here I come! I never thought I would feel this way as I didn't cry and feel homesick when I left for NZ in Feb 2009. I think it's funny! hehehe..First meal I had were ROTI CANAI n TEH TARIK. Abg bought me those although I didn't feel like having any; saddened by the fact that I wouldn't be staying long in KL. I wanna stay longer, catch up with ACIK, ALANG, KAK LONG, KAK NANA and NENEK. So, we headed to Ipoh after everyone had their dinner. Throughout the night I couldn't sleep and I force my mom to chat with me all night long! So sorry mak..I knew I shouldn't but I just need a friend to talk to..Every experience, every activity, every story had been told. We shared laughter most of the time :)
Hafezz and his family came by to visit me and my family 2 days before Raya celebration. My mom and I prepared sambal tumis udang, daging masak kicap and pecal for lunch. And the dessert was Bangkok Kaya Cake, my mom's specialty :D It was raining that day but am glad they could finally find my house. It's very difficult to find my house, I know..
Raya was extremely FUN! Most of my family members came and we talked and laughed and took our breath and laughed again..It was too good to be true :)
I stayed in Serdang for 2 weeks after Raya- to finish my assignment. I have to, since the materials I needed weren't available online. That's what Malaysia lacking of-publication! It's not that our researchers aren't doing their job well, it's just that they prefer to publish it in proceedings than an international journals?? But I reckoned, they can't publish the papers as they have put everything in the proceedings because one can't send the paper after they have put it in proceedings. So, moral of the story is: do not put everything in proceedings; only an extended abstract OR else u have to make some amendments on it in order to publish ;) Alhamdulillah, I managed to complete my assignment within the time frame :)
The following week, I went to Langkawi Island with mom; actually to accompany Shahaza for her interview at Underwater World. 3 days and 2 nights at Pantai Cenang. The place was so beautiful like Shangrila, subhanAllah...jogged and walked every morning, felt the breezed, the sand was soft like silk. During the night, the sky was so black and they stars shine like diamonds! Ya Rabb, your creation is marvelous! I shopped till I wanna drop dead looking at the bills :)) haha..
To tell you the truth, I could never imagine I can make it there. Usually, Alang or Abang would accompany my mom and I. But this time, I handled everything. Wuhoooo! And the most important part is, WE SURVIVED! hahaa..alhamdulillah for His guidance.
Owh, btw, Shahaza managed to get the job! She has started her duty last week, 5th January 2009. Good luck to you sista! Hope you'll enjoy every bit of it.. I know it will be difficult during this first phase, well they do know that we didn't have a formal education on wildlife and marine life. So, keep on reading! Jia you to you and me :)
Hafezz and his family came by to visit me and my family 2 days before Raya celebration. My mom and I prepared sambal tumis udang, daging masak kicap and pecal for lunch. And the dessert was Bangkok Kaya Cake, my mom's specialty :D It was raining that day but am glad they could finally find my house. It's very difficult to find my house, I know..
Raya was extremely FUN! Most of my family members came and we talked and laughed and took our breath and laughed again..It was too good to be true :)
I stayed in Serdang for 2 weeks after Raya- to finish my assignment. I have to, since the materials I needed weren't available online. That's what Malaysia lacking of-publication! It's not that our researchers aren't doing their job well, it's just that they prefer to publish it in proceedings than an international journals?? But I reckoned, they can't publish the papers as they have put everything in the proceedings because one can't send the paper after they have put it in proceedings. So, moral of the story is: do not put everything in proceedings; only an extended abstract OR else u have to make some amendments on it in order to publish ;) Alhamdulillah, I managed to complete my assignment within the time frame :)
The following week, I went to Langkawi Island with mom; actually to accompany Shahaza for her interview at Underwater World. 3 days and 2 nights at Pantai Cenang. The place was so beautiful like Shangrila, subhanAllah...jogged and walked every morning, felt the breezed, the sand was soft like silk. During the night, the sky was so black and they stars shine like diamonds! Ya Rabb, your creation is marvelous! I shopped till I wanna drop dead looking at the bills :)) haha..
To tell you the truth, I could never imagine I can make it there. Usually, Alang or Abang would accompany my mom and I. But this time, I handled everything. Wuhoooo! And the most important part is, WE SURVIVED! hahaa..alhamdulillah for His guidance.
Owh, btw, Shahaza managed to get the job! She has started her duty last week, 5th January 2009. Good luck to you sista! Hope you'll enjoy every bit of it.. I know it will be difficult during this first phase, well they do know that we didn't have a formal education on wildlife and marine life. So, keep on reading! Jia you to you and me :)
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